Wednesday, September 30, 2009


This is TELL: The Essential Lutheran Library. With thanks to Cyberbrethen, you see here what CPH is marketing as books every Lutheran needs to remain a faithful Lutheran. Left to right are pictured: The Lutheran Study Bible, Lutheran Service Book, The Small Catechism, Treasury of Daily Prayer, Lutheran Book of Prayer, Reading the Psalms with Luther, and the Lutheran Confessions. These books are essential to a Lutheran's library for these books simply and concisely explain the Scriptures so that a sinner may come to faith in Jesus Christ and remain in the faith.
Why is it so important to be a Lutheran and remain a Lutheran? A Lutheran believes in the Bible, possesses faith in Christ as Savior, and seeks to cling to Christ throughout his or her life. In a world which denies Christ, and in culture which raises experience and reason over and against Christ, these books will help you center your faith on Christ, the solid Rock and Redeemer.
Mom always taught me that you are what you eat. In Seminary I was taught that you are what YOU READ. If you want to remain a Lutheran, read Lutheran books. If you want to center your life in Christ, these books will assist you. For more information on TELL, go to These are books that every Lutheran, wait, I mean EVERY CHRISTIAN should read.


  1. Jack,

    Thanks for continuing to support CPH products. We are so proud of the products in The Essential Lutheran Library and it is wonderful to hear such resounding enthusiasm for it from a customer. God Bless!

    Emily Barlean
    Marketing Communications Specialist
    Concordia Publishing House
